
We are a research group led by Prof. Dr. Nevzat G. Gençer in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Bioelectromagnetism Research Group focuses on three main topics: measuring the electric and magnetic fields of biological sources, developing devices and techniques for stimulation, and imaging the physical properties and electrical activities of the human body.  The group conducts theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies to develop new methods and improve existing ones.

Brain Research Laboratories (DZ-02 and DZ-06) are located in the D-Block of the department. DZ-06 is equipped with a multi-channel EEG device of our design, major instrumentation devices, electronic components, a small mechanical workshop, and design facilities. DZ-02 has two multi-core computers (2×24 CPU data servers), multiphysics simulation software, and other computational resources.  

BERG is conducting research on the mathematical, computational, and instrumentation aspects of medical imaging. Electrical Impedance Imaging with Magnetic Induction,  Harmonic Motion Microwave Doppler Imaging, and Electro Thermal Imaging are the novel medical imaging modalities proposed by the members of BERG. Group members have also contributed to Electrical Impedance Tomography,  Lorentz Force Electrical Impedance Imaging, Electro-Magnetic Source Imaging of the human brain, brain-computer interfaces, and implantable neurostimulators.

Posted by bioelectromagnetism research group on 21.09.2017 under